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Important Personal Tax Upload Announcement
Preparation of 2024 personal taxes will not begin until March 14, 2025, at the earliest. Should you have capital gains or losses, this will be April 4, 2025.  We encourage you to hold off uploading your documents until you are sure you have received all of your tax documents and do not upload prior to either of these two dates.

Help Centre: Business Taxes

Represent a Client Access

Back to Business Taxes

Here are the instructions to provide JRA authorization to your CRA account:

Log into your My Account/ My Business Account with CRA:

  1. Under Profile, click on Authorized Representative
  2. Click "+Add"
    1. Enter representative information (BN): 131889982
    2. Enter representative authorization
      1. Level of Access: Select Level 2
      2. Online Access: Select Yes
      3. Expiry: leave blank
      4. List of authorizations all CRA business accounts you have
    3. Review and submit

You can delete access at any time.

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Please get in touch, and we'll be glad to help you out.

Please give us our office a call at (905) 277-9499.